Euro crisis

Ben Bernanke, quello degli stati sovrani che e’ impossibile falliscano data la proprieta’ di una semplice tastiera da PC, conferma cose note da tempo: LA TRUFFA DELL’EURO!
L’Euro, quale media di monete forti e deboli, e’ sottovalutato per la Germania e sopravvalutato per i Pigs!
E questo e’ un grosso problema!
“There are two more important reasons for Germany’s trade surplus.
First, although the euro—the currency that Germany shares with 18 other countries—may (or may not) be at the right level for all 19 euro-zone countries as a group, it is too weak (given German wages and production costs) to be consistent with balanced German trade. In July 2014, the IMF estimated that Germany’s inflation-adjusted exchange rate was undervalued by 5-15 percent (see IMF, p. 20). Since then, the euro has fallen by an additional 20 percent relative to the dollar. The comparatively weak euro is an underappreciated benefit to Germany of its participation in the currency union. If Germany were still using the deutschemark, presumably the DM would be much stronger than the euro is today, reducing the cost advantage of German exports substantially.”
E questo si puo’ vedere bene dal grafico seguente:
Ma il secondo problema e’ poi dato dall’austerity tedesca, che riduce le loro importazioni, e che NON contribuisce quindi a sistemare almeno parzialmente le cose!
“Second, the German trade surplus is further increased by policies (tight fiscal policies, for example) that suppress the country’s domestic spending, including spending on imports.”
Cari tedeschi e accolita di subalterni politici e giornalisti autoctoni, sappiate che la verita’ sta uscendo fuori e prima o poi ci libereremo!
Ad maiora.
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